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Corporate Information

Corporate governance / internal controls

Kokando has inherited the aspiration of Masatoshi Maeda, the lord of the former Toyama domain, to “broadly spread the desire to help (people) to remote areas,” from which the name of the company was derived, and conducts its business based on a philosophy of contributing to society by manufacturing medicines. It is necessary to increase corporate value and implement robust and efficient management in order to become a company trusted and revered by stakeholders. With the goal of strengthening corporate governance throughout the Group, Kokando is working to implement various measures and create an environment (that is conductive to corporate governance).

Corporate governance system

Introduction of a system of operating officers

A system of operating offices clearly separates the business supervision functions from the operation execution functions and establishes prompt and effective management.

Appointment of independent directors and auditors

Directors that are independent of the company are appointed, which enables a wider range of points of view when making decisions and monitoring operations. The Board of Auditors is composed of 3 members, 2 of which are independent auditors.

Internal Audit Office

An Internal Audit Office has been created to support corporate governance, and the internal control system has been expanded. In addition, the office regularly makes reports to managing directors and provides advice for a stable governance system.